speaking engagements
Hello there!
It is my joy to share with others how the design of our built environments can help us cultivate better connection with one another, as God designed.
In my talks, I bring deep theological grounding to how we think about the design of our homes, neighborhoods, and cities. I connect the dots between the design of our physical places and neighborhoods and the biblical design for human flourishing in community. I provide practical examples of how we can shape places to demonstrate the love of Jesus.
I most often speak on some variation of the following topics:
Community engagement strategies for loving your neighbor(hood)
A biblical understanding of what it means to flourish as embodied people
Developing a theology of the “built environment”
Using redemptive placemaking to cultivate neighborly connections
Reimagining church property to serve your neighborhood
My presentations are easily adapted for specific audience demographics. If you have a topic idea you aren’t sure about, let’s chat! I love exploring new ideas and challenges to address.
Virtual presentations are an option, although in-person presentations are preferred.
Sara Joy challenges churches to reimagine sacred space as public space, considering opportunities to use outdoor spaces to bring life to their neighborhood.
Sara Joy serves as a co-host for Making Space, a collaborative podcast with Barna Group and Aspen Group that explores how physical space shapes spiritual formation.
Sara Joy unpacks the biblical significance of God’s gift of embodiment in physical places serving to moor us in our relationship to God and to our neighbors.
Sara Joy shares about the vision of Proximity Project and why the design of our properties and neighborhoods matters for our flourishing.
“Sara Joy served as thought leader for our gathering of leaders from several dozen churches, encouraging us to think differently about our physical properties and our place in our respective communities. Her presentation style, subject expertise, and experience with a wide variety of churches led to a truly thought-provoking and enriching day for all in attendance. Feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive and most were quick to identify next steps they hoped to implement in their local congregations.”
Sara Joy is available for Church Events, Adult Education Hours, Community Lectures, Conferences, Workshops, Podcasts, and Trainings.
Yes, I’d like Sara Joy speak for us!