More about the what, why, how, and heart of what we do
to empower churches to serve their neighborhoods.

What is Placemaking?
Placemaking is the art of turning public spaces to pass through into welcoming places to be. It’s about building something that sparks connections within your community. It is demonstrating tangible hospitality to your neighbors.

Connecting People in an Age of Loneliness
Our plague of loneliness is an opportunity for churches to step into a growing need: to reclaim the power of presence. With placemaking, churches can create places that cultivate connection.

Three Paradigms for Property Stewardship
In order to choose a future for your property that truly aligns with your church mission, resources and capacity, leaders must first identify their governing paradigms.

Who Are You Serving?
No business, ministry or nonprofit can be successful without serious reflection on answering this question. Without a clear answer, there’s a risk of wasting precious resources, struggling to set a clear vision and missing out on opportunities.

The Value of the Small Project
Small projects might not seem ground-breaking, but they should not be discounted. They can communicate to the local community that the church cares about their presence in the neighborhood.

How to Face Three Common Liability Concerns
Fears about injury, vandalism, unwanted uses are all valid. But most liability concerns can usually be addressed through careful observation, creative partnerships, and incremental design.